A positive pregnancy test can rock your world. It’s normal to feel anxious, and it’s normal to have questions. Here are five key things to remember in that moment.


1. Pause

According to Psychology Today, anxiety disables neurons in your prefrontal cortex—the area of your brain responsible for planning, weighing consequences, and making decisions. For most women, an unplanned pregnancy brings an initial wave of anxiety. Give yourself time to breathe, to think, and to talk with people who can help you. No decision should be made because of pressure—whether that pressure comes from anxiety or from other people, who may try to influence you towards a decision that they think is best, but which you may be unable to weigh for yourself in the moment. You don’t have to know what to do or even what to feel right away. It takes time to calm the initial shock, explore all your options, and make sound judgments.


2. Confirm Your Pregnancy

Although at-home pregnancy tests are fairly accurate in measuring HcG hormone, recent studies have shown that approximately 30% of all early pregnancies end in natural miscarriage. Before proceeding with any next step, you need to know whether you actually have a viable pregnancy—a pregnancy that will continue. The only way to confirm a viable pregnancy is at a medical clinic via ultrasound. Ultrasounds can also accurately date a pregnancy, which can factor into what options are available for you. At Mya, we provide free ultrasound testing to confirm your pregnancy and tell you how far along you are. Our staff is here to give you the best possible medical and confidential care.


3. You Have Options

Women facing unplanned pregnancies often feel trapped or powerless.  It’s crucial to realize that you have choices! At Mya, one of the most important services we provide is our “Options Consultation.” During an Options Consultation, you are able to sit down with a trained advocate one-on-one and discuss, in detail, the options available to you. We are here to go over abortion, adoption, parenting, and new, little-known options such as Holding Time. Holding Time is a non-profit organization that connects an expectant mother to a loving family that will care for her child for no cost during the first year of his or her life, while she secures the needed support systems (and stays connected to her child and the caretakers). Mya can help you learn about this and all of your other options.


4. Seek Out the Best Resources

According to the Guttmacher Institute, 73% of women who terminated their pregnancies reported that “not being able to afford a child” was a primary concern. At Mya, we are committed to connecting women with the support they need. Whether a woman needs housing, clothing, food, or gas, we contact sources and provide an abundance of caring referrals. When you come into Mya, we provide holistic care and make sure all of your needs are met— always at no cost.


5. You Are Not Alone

You might feel as if you can’t tell your family, your partner, or your friends about your pregnancy. You might feel isolated, and that you have no place to go. At Mya Women’s Center, we’ve made it our mission to be there for you in this time; before, during, and after your decision. Everyone needs a positive support system, and that is exactly what Mya’s trained advocates provide.

Dr. Richard A. Zinni

Dr. Richard A. Zinni

D.O. Certified In Internal Medicine

The content on this page has been reviewed and approved by our Medical Director: Dr. Richard A. Zinni